In step 6 you have the options to finish your schedule and leave it more comfortable for your professors and students, besides being able to set the processing priorities and the possibility of fixing schedules.
The following explains the functionality of each item:
Duplicated Lessons (General, by Professor, by Subject and Detailed)
You have the option to limit how much your schedule can be duplicated. View the options.:
By not specifying the type of the duplicated lesson, Easy Schedule will allocate the schedules without this restriction. The lessons can be together or not, they can be all together or totally separated if needed. This option is the least restrictive of all. View an example of the solution with this option:
Don't Duplicate - The system will try to separate all lessons allowing them to be intercalated
Mark this option if in your schedule, for whatever reason, it is not interesting to have followed by lessons. Easy Schedule will try to intersperse classes if possible. View an example of the solution with this option:
Don't Duplicate - The system will only allow 1 lesson of each subject per day
Unlike the previous option, this one highly restrictive. It means that Easy Schedule will only allow 1 subject from a lesson in the day and consequently will not duplicate.
We recommend this option ONLY in very specific cases and small schedules.
Mandatory Duplicating - The system will only allow double lessons of this subject or professor.
This option is highly restrictive. It means that Easy Schedule will not allow only 1 lesson of a certain subject per day. This option is only availible to Duplicate per Professor and Subject.
Use this option carefully, for example to gym class, lab, etc...
2 - The system will try to group 2 lessons at most (2 in a row)
Less restrictive than the previous option this will make Easy Schedule try to group at most 2 lessons in a row in the day. View an example of the solution with this option:
3 - The system will try to group 3 lessons at most (3 in a row)
Less restrictive than the previous option this will make Easy Schedule try to group at most 3 lessons in a row in the day. View an example of the solution with this option:
4 - The system will try to group 4 lessons at most (4 in a row)
Less restrictive than the previous option this will make Easy Schedule try to group at most 4 lessons in a row in the day.
5 - The system will try to group 5 lessons at most (5 in a row)
Less restrictive than the previous option this will make Easy Schedule try to group at most 5 lessons in a row in the day.
Duplicate with No Limit - The system will try to group the most possible.
Less restrictive than the previous option this will make Easy Schedule try to group the maximum possible of lessons in the day.
Set Schedules
This option is highly restrictive in case its used. Fixing a schedule may harm other professors and even derail a possible solution of your schedule. Only use this option if you already have experience in creating schedules and you know the consequences of fixing a professors' schedule.
Para fixar um horário simplesmente clique com o mouse no horário desejado em seguida selecione a matéria a ser alocada. Caso a matéria tenha mais de 1 professor, você deverá selecionar qual professor será alocado.
Processing Parameters
This option is used to instruct our servers about what should or should not be included in the next processing. Besides that, it is possible to determine which processing items are the most important for your schedule defining a processing order.
For example, if for a certain schedule it is more important to "Delete the Vacancies of the Professors" than "Duplicating the Schedule", then place a MINOR ORDER for the first item. Easy Schedule always runs accordingly to these parameters and when unable to find a solution of a certain restriction, it automatically eases these options in order to give you a preview of the solution, so you can make the necessary adjustments and reprocess.
Here are the options of the Processing Parameters:
Classrooms' Availability
Performs the processing in accordance with the availability of the classrooms registered in STEP 4. This option cannot be disabled and its order cannot be changed.
Professors' Availability
Performs the processing in accordance with the availability of the professors registered in STEP 5. We designate availability by the block schedules alongside with the registered days off. This option cannot be disabled and its order cannot be changed.
Atribuição de Turmas
In step 5 you have the option of fixing the professors in the classrooms, however you should know exactly where to allocate the professor if you have chosen to use this feature, because the Schedule Easy automatically allocates professors in order to give the best solution in terms of the other grouped restrictions. If you want Easy Schedule to choose which professor should be allocated in the classrooms instead of their choices, uncheck to do this without having to change all that you have registered in step 5.
Professors with priority in the lessons' allocation
If there is competition between professors who lecture the same subjects for the same classrooms, Easy Schedule will first allocate professors with higher priority to finish filling the grid. Set priorities for the allocation of professors in step 5
Daily Limits
Easy Schedule will try to allocate professors respecting the daily limits established in STEP 5, unless you disable this option.
Weekly Limits
Easy Schedule will try to allocate professors respecting the weekly limits established in STEP 5, unless you disable this option.
Fixed Schedules
Easy Schedule will try to respect the fixed schedules that were designated in STEP 6, unless you disable this option.
Minimize the days of the professors
If your schedule has 5 daily lessons and one of its professors have a weekly workload of 5 lessons, it would be interesting that this professor worked in 1 day only, but how to solve this problem for all professors respecting their availibilities and all other restrictions. This is generally the biggest mistake we find in our registrations to create schedules. Many try to minimize the professors' days by closing all of their availabilities in step 5. This is an extremely not recommended procedure and it will only make the probability of the solution to be remote. Easy Schedule minimizes automatically the days of the professors unless this option is disabled. Therefore, in step 5, only block the professors' availability in the days / schedules, in which he really cannot lecture and let Easy Schedule minimize their work days leaving this option enabled.
Delete the Professors' Vacancies
This is one of the most requested problems in schedule creation. Em muitas instituições, horários vagos para os professores são remunerados causando prejuizos para a mesma. Quando não são remunerados causam desconforto para os professores que tem o horário ocioso em seu expediente. Por padrão, o Horário Fácil sempre eliminará as janelas dos professores a menos que você desabilite esta opção.
Interspersed Lessons
In general, interspersed lessons cause discomfort for students and teachers. It means for example a class having math followed by Portuguese then math again. By default, Easy Schedule will always try to eliminate the interspersed lessons unless this option is disabled.
Vacancies in the students' schedule
Vacancies in the students' schedule for the same cause discomfort and disruption in the institution because imagine what students will do in time vacant while awaiting the next class. By default Easy Schedule will always try to remove the vacancies in the schedule of the students unless this option is disabled.
Configuration of Duplicated Lessons
At this stage there are 6 options to define the settings for duplicated lessons per subject, per teacher, general or detailed. Disabling this processing parameters item is equivalent to run the solution of your schedule with all the options settings for duplicated lessons set to "UNSPECIFIED ".